The Crater White Stunning Ciwidey, Bandung

The Crater White Stunning Ciwidey, Bandung
The Crater White Stunning Ciwidey, Bandung

Indonesia Journey - White Ciwidey crater is one of the natural attractions of Bandung that crowded. True to its name, White Crater is a crater that lies on the top of the mountain. Elevation Tour Bandung White Crater reached 2.4 KM above sea level.

The Interesting Part Of The Crater White Ciwidey, Bandung

The most interesting thing in the natural attractions of the crater White this is a very beautiful scenery. Every visitor that comes none other than will definitely capture their moment in this place with the photograph.


It is true if the crater White has the charm of a natural landscape. True to its name, the existing soil conditions in the crater White whitish colored indeed. This is because the influence of the content of the element sulfur that is high enough.

Water Crater Lake White greenish white and also can change color according to the height of the low sulfur levels, temperatures and weather. No wonder the beauty of these sights many visitors to do a photo session praweding and other photography activities.

However this needs to be noticed when you pay a visit to the crater of white island. Just as there is a crater on Mount Tangkuban Perahu, Ciwidey White Crater also contains sulfur levels are quite high. Therefore, visitors are expected to be cautious and abide by any warning signs that have been made.

The History Of White Crater Ciwidey, Bandung

The crater White Ciwidey, Bandung is actually a result of the eruption of Mount Patuha Lake. The natural process and then shape it into a crater lake. If seen from the process of the formation of the crater similar to White Lake Kelimutu and Crater Lake that existed in atu Kelud Crater Lake in Oregon.

Some sources mention the Patuha eruption occurred in the 10th century. According to his story, the crater formed post eruption of this great for communities around the armature was impressed. The community considers the austere white craters because at that time none of the animals living in the region the crater white, even a passing Bird on it will die.

Scientifically, this might be caused by still high levels of sulfur and other toxic substances at the time. Thus causing the bird passes above exposed to sulfur steam and die. But this is just the author's speculation only.

After such a long time is considered haunted, in 1837 a botanist of origin Germany named Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn conduct research to prove it. He climbed to the top of Mount Patuha to do his research. But when it got to the top of the mountain, he met a beautiful Crater Lake. Since then the impression of eerie embedded on the white Craters slowly began to be forgotten and this place is best known as the site of wiasta with natural charm.

Then in 1987 the Government began introducing White Crater Ciwidey as one of the natural attractions that until now is still a favorite destination in Bandung.

Currently White Crater Ciwidey, Bandung has become a tourist attraction that has managed to seriously by the Government, it can be seen from a hefty full amenities ranging from a large parking area, information centres, places of worship, restaurants to toilet.

The Location Of The Crater White Ciwidey, Bandung

The crater is located in Ciwidey White KM 25 JL. Raya Soerang – Ciwidey, Bandung. The distance is about 50 KM South of Bandung. To be able to reach the location of the crater White Ciwidey, Bandung, you could take the route via JL. Raya Soerang – Ciwidey village.

If using public transport, you can take a minibus from terminal Leuwi Panjang Terminal and stop at Ciwidey village. After that you have to connect up the trip with a minibus heading to Situ Patenggang and stopped at the gates of White Crater.

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