Enjoy The Beauty of The World Heritage, The Temple of Borobudur

Enjoy The Beauty of The World Heritage, The Temple of Borobudur
Enjoy The Beauty of The World Heritage, The Temple of Borobudur

Indonesia Journey - Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. This temple is located at approximately 100 km to the southwest of Semarang, 86 km to the West of Surakarta, and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta. Stupa shaped Temple was established by adherents of Mahayana Buddhism around the 8th century a.d. during the reign of the sailendra dynasty. Borobudur Temple is a temple or the world's largest Buddhist temple, is at once one of the largest Buddhist monument in the world.


The Buddhist Sailendra dynasty, pramodhawardhani building remains the largest in the world between 780-840 ad. Sailendra dynasty was the ruling dynasty of the period. This relic was built as a place of Buddhist worship and pilgrimage places. This place includes instructions in order to distance themselves from the human world and the appetite to enlightenment and wisdom according to the Buddha. These relics were discovered by United Kingdom Forces in 1814 under the command of Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles. The temple area successfully cleared up entirely in the year 1835.


Borobudur is built in the style of a Mandala reflecting the Buddhist belief in the universe. The structure of the building is shaped like a box with four entrances and the central point of the shape of a circle. When viewed from the outside to the inside is divided into two parts, namely a natural world that is divided into three zones on the outside, and the nature of nirvana at the Center.

Zone 1: Kamadhatu

Kamadhatu consists of 160 relief panels that explain the law, namely Silk Karmawibhangga causal. Describe about the nature and the human passions, such as robbing, killing, rape, torture, and slander.

The cover at the base of the hood have been opened permanently so that visitors can see the relief that is hidden at the bottom. Entire photo collection photo 160 relief can be seen in the Museum of the Temple found in Borobudur Archaeological Park.

Zone 2: the Rupadhatu

Rapadhatu consists of a gallery of carved stone reliefs and statues of buddha. Overall there are 328 Buddha also has ornate reliefs on the sculptures.

According to the Sanskrit manuscripts in this section consists of 1300 relief in the form of Gandhawyuha, Lalitawistara, Jataka and Awadana. In whole stretches as far as 2.5 km with 1212 panel.

Zone 3: Pass

Three circular foyer leads to the vaults at the Center or the effigies depicting the resurrection of the world. In this section there is no ornament or decoration, which means describing the purity Supreme.

Foyer in this section consists of a hollow circle-shaped stupa, a Bell upside down, contains a statue of Buddha that leads to the outside of the temple. There are 72 stupas on the whole. The largest stupa in the middle is not as high as the original version which has a height of 42 m above the ground with a diameter of 9.9 m. Unlike the stupa, the stupa that surrounds it empty and Center raises the argument that there is in fact the contents but also it is argued that the statue was indeed empty.


In kesulurhan there are 504 Buddha with posture of meditation and six different hand positions along the temples.

The Corridor Of The Temple

The Beauty of The World Heritage, The Temple of Borobudur
The Beauty of The World Heritage, The Temple of Borobudur

During the restoration in the early 20th century, found two smaller temples around Borobudur and Pawon Temple, namely the Mendut Temple which align with the Borobudur Temple. Pawon Temple located 1.15 km from Borobudur, while Mendut Temple is 3 km from the temple. There is a belief that there is a connection between these three religious temples but is still not yet known definitively process its ritual.

The third route to form a temple Festival Vesak Day yag held each year when the full moon in April or may. The Festival as a warning over birth and death, as well as enlightenment given by Gautama Buddha.

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